
Acompanhe as novidades e dicas sobre inglês, cultura americana e muito mais da New York Express®, escola de inglês especializada em Storytelling.

Words -- like us in our lives -- can do different things in the language, like having two jobs. The exact same word is used in a variety of departments in the language so that they do not create confusion. The word will, for example....

Today we remember Madeleine Albright, a refugee at the age of three from the former Checkslovakia republic taken by the Nazi Regime. Graduated in Political Science and PhD ‘with honors’ in Public Law, she became the highest-ranking  woman in the history of the United States government...

Superlatives are all about extremes of opinion. The best, the most, the tallest. Superlatives are adjectives on steroids. However, you can use expressions to convey the idea of the highest achievement. The number one! A+! The first of his class. Blue ribbon service! State-of-the-art equipment. Cutting edge technology! (the cutting edge is the side...

Imagine if the story above was part of a job interview and you had to explain the word ‘nonchalant’. You would look around and think, “What am I going to do now? ‘Nonchalant’! All the other words seem to be in the right place, but...

The 2021 New York City Marathon will happen this Sunday, November 7. Only 33,000 runners will be allowed this year due to Covid-19 concerns. It is the largest marathon in the world and it is also difficult to take part in it and to watch...

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